The role of the content area teacher is a difficult one in light of the fact that 'every teacher s a teacher of literacy.' This role is made even more challenging if students have not learned to read in the earlier stages; and this is of great concern to me.
It is very easy to say that every teacher should focus on enhancing students' reading and writing skills, but the problem arises when teachers have to put this into practice and complete the syllabus within a given time frame.
In light of this, it is not at all suprising that most teachers do not consider equipping the students with the prerequisites (reading and writing skills) they need to understand content area befor teaching the meat of the matter.The end result is usually dismal failure which is often passed off as a lack of motivation on the part of students.
I believe that that the job of the content area teacher can be made easier if the necessary reading and writing skills are fostered in students from the primary level as is advocated by Chall. When this is not the case, the onus is on every secondary teacher to ensure that the students they instruct have the necessary skills which will make them competent in the subject. In some cases, teachers may have to provide instruction in word study, voocabulary,fluency and so on.
If this is done, then english language will serve as a consolidation class in which students wiil be exposed to the reading and writing strategies in detail. This will enable content teachers to maximize teaching time as students will use the skills to they are taught to teach themselves.
What is being advocated now,can only be achieved through intensive and extensive planning, and with the cooperation of all teachers. This is when teaching moves from being a job to being a profession and a way of life.Only teachers who truly care for students reach this level. Let us pray that we do for the sake of the nation's children.
Taking an Andragogical Approach
12 years ago